Renovating your home is the perfect opportunity to refresh its look, layout, functionality and design. If you’re looking for some inspiration, you could consider adding sustainable design features to your home. 

A sustainable house is one that has minimal negative impact on the environment. This includes energy efficiency, reducing environmental toxins, and using materials and resources in a responsible manner. 

Renovating your home with sustainability in mind is important in 2021, as we see the increasing impacts of climate change. A sustainable home will be more resilient against the elements, reduce your impact on the environment, and save you money in the long run. 

Here are some simple sustainable design features you can add to your home during its renovation:

Let In The Sun

 A great way to make your home sustainable is to let in as much sunlight as possible, reducing your need for artificial lighting. 

This can be as simple as installing double-glazed windows to add light, decrease your need for heating or cooling equipment, and reduce your energy bill. 

Switch To Efficient Lighting

Replace your old light bulbs with energy efficient LED bulbs to save energy. LEDs last longer than traditional bulbs, meaning you could save up to 20% of your power bill

This also helps to reduce your carbon footprint! 

Improve Your Insulation

Your home’s insulation is key to its energy use. Insulation acts as a barrier that prevents heat passing in and out of a home, keeping it cooler in summer and warmer in winter. 

To insulate your home for maximum efficiency, think about the climate where you live and how you can make your home’s temperature consistent. 

You will want to avoid warm or cool air escaping through gaps under doors and windows, consider hanging curtains to absorb heat. 

Source Sustainable Furniture

Purchasing eco-friendly furniture made from responsibly sourced materials is a simple way to make your home more sustainable. Also look for locally made furniture to reduce the environmental impact of shipping. 

Grow A Native Garden

Planting a native garden next to your home is a fantastic way to give back to nature. You can create a green space that attracts birds and wildlife whilst providing your home and yard with shade.

Looking To Start Your Sustainable Design Renovation? 

At JM Homes, we ensure we always take the time to listen, communicate and act with our clients interests at heart at every stage of the build. At the end of the day, we are delivering your dream house and we want you to love it.

If you have a renovation project in mind, we’re Brisbane’s building experts. Whether it’s a Queenslander, new build, house raise or extension, we can help you. 

Contact us today.